Thursday, March 15, 2012

Public Self Expression

There are several ways in which we are seen on a daily basis, and that is though hundreds of sets of eyes, we are perceived differently though the eyes of those whom see us on a daily basis, Though I would say the most important public perception of an individual is that of one  self. Are you happy with what you see when you look in the mirror is this truly the way in which you wish to be seen? Are you being true to yourself?

When its all said and done this life is pointless if you fool yourself by being something your not, you cannot control the ways in which people judge you, no matter how hard you try no one will understand you the way you truly are. Only those closest to us have an idea but even then I believe that you are the only one that will ever be able to influence your being, only you know what you are, the only way that we have to show people what we are all about is the way we choose to present ourselves.


Dunkel, Curtis C., and Joseph C. Lavoie. 2005. "Ego-identity and the processing of self-relevant information." Self & Identity 4, no. 4: 349-359.Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost 

Bauer, Jack J., Joseph R. Schwab, and Dan P. McAdams. 2011. "Self-Actualizing: Where Ego Development Finally Feels Good?." Humanistic Psychologist 39, no. 2: 121-136. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost

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