Thursday, March 15, 2012

Be true to Yourself

So to cap this study of I would like to leave the world with words of encouragement, and that is to love the life you live , live the life you love. Strive for self satisfaction and nothing more, as long as you can love you for you, and love all aspects of your life, you shall find happiness, I believe that we strive to hard for the gratification of others rather than ourselves, live for yourself and your family because in the end life is entirely to short, and can be taken at any moment live it to the fullest everyday, everyday is an adventure to be cherished,  so live life to the fullest, and lets achieve happyness for all to enjoy.

We all serve a purpose, we all have a meaning, be true to you, and take life as it passes, live for today for tomorrow is unknown, live to learn, express yourself, be true to you, fight for your right to self expression never let it fade, because that is all we have to live for.


  1. I thought you had an excellent exploratory process, what I think might be some potential claims in your exploratory essay is how the Internet has affected different cultures in general. Take for example, with access to the Internet how other cultures (maybe focusing on Western or American culture) have affected other countries and maybe look into those different effects. You also mention self-expression which I definitely agree on, maybe focus on a claim that looks into how individualism brings success and joy. Overall I think you have several ideas that could be great essays. Good job!

  2. I think you can use public versus private self-expression for your claims or you can argue for limiting self-expression and against limiting it. I liked your blog and I think this is an interesting issue because you have to take into consideration other cultures views and other rights that we have as citizens. Good job!
